Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Beautiful Children.

I love my two beautiful kids! I thank God for them all the time. Life would not seem near as fulfilling without them. Here are just a few pictures of what has been going on lately. And lately, sure has been busy.

Ainsley is 5 1/2 months. She now has TWO bottom teeth that have come in part way. She is sitting supported and trying to sit on her own as seen below. I think in a few weeks her balance will be improved and she WILL be sitting. The thought of this makes me sad only because time is going too quickly. She should NOT be almost 6 months and NOT almost sitting by herself and NOT pushing herself up like she wants to start practicing for crawling! She definitely does not prefer to roll, but she has done it a little more lately. She is just ready to sit and crawl! Also, Ainsley had her first taste of cereal and fruit.

Evan went on his first hunting trip at 4 in the morning with Freddie. He got to wear camo and ride in the boat. They did not see any ducks though.

All tuckered out after an early morning!

Evan being his usual silly self. He was sitting on the top of his race track and I told him I wanted to take a picture, and then he kept trying to flash the camera. I kept telling him to stop and was able to get a picture before he got his shirt all the way up again.

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