Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 3 months Ainsley!!!

This is a day late, but Ainsley turned 3 months (13 weeks) yesterday! She is growing too fast... it does not seem like that much time as passed. I am dreading the next 6 weeks or so passing too quickly when I have to put her in daycare.

Ainsley has started laughing some and she has almost completely rolled from her back to her stomach. She is about 90% of the way around and then her arm gets in her way. She is only trying to roll because she is rooting around for food against the floor... imagine that. I think it is so funny how she acts like she is always starving. Also, she slept an entire 8 hrs. straight last night. Hopefully, she will be sleeping like that more often, especially when I go back to work.

I took this last night. Showing a little Tech spirit. I took some with my phone and she would smile, but the flash from the camera startles her. I just want to pinch those cheeks!

Here is a picture of Evan doing sparklers on the 4th of July. I did not get pictures of much else because Freddie was not the safest person to be around with the fireworks.

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