This past week we went on our first family vacation. Freddie and I have always taken trips, but this was the first time we took Evan with us anywhere. We were going to plan a trip to Destin since the beach would be the only type of trip we could easily bring Ainsley, but my parents were going to plan a trip so it worked out perfect. And NO...there is NO oil still! As you can see below, it was BEAUTIFUL! I put up a few pictures as highlights. The rest of the pictures are on Facebook...there were too many to upload on here.
We drove through the night, which worked out really well. We only stopped one time on the way there for gas and that was it. Both kids slept almost the entire time and we never had to deal with any fussiness. The way back was a little different. We left earlier in the day and had to make a few potty stops on the way to Baton Rouge. Once we got to Baton Rouge, we stopped to visit my best friend Courtney and let the kids have a break. We then headed home at their bedtime, so again we did not have to stop and they slept the whole way!
Evan had more fun than I can describe. He didn't take naps because he was too busy on the beach all day. I was SUPER paranoid about him getting sunburned so I was constantly putting sunscreen on him or pestering others to do it. I would then make him wear a shirt during the worst parts of the day. I was surprised at how daring he was about walking along the beach and playing in the shallow parts of the water.
Ainsley on the other hand really could not go out at all. Freddie and I took turns being inside with her and a few times I would bring her out under the canopy that was set up. We let her take a couple of naps in a pack-n-play under the canopy when the sun was not too strong. She did sleep ALL night every night that we were there. It was great!

Freddie and Evan caught a little fish.

One of Ainsley's naps under the canopy on the beach.

Playing with some beach toys.

Another nap on the beach.

He called this his "swimming pool."

Aside from the day Ainsley was born, I think this is one of our first family pictures. This was outside The Crab Trap the night we all went out to eat.

Out to eat during our short stop in Baton Rouge. Courtney's first time to see Ainsley since she came to the hospital. Needless to say, Ainsley looks a little different.