Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Week Old!

I will probably be blogging much more since I will be home with Ainsley. Maybe not during the summer when I have both kids on my hands.
These first two pictures are comparing Evan and Ainsley. The one of Evan is not as good of a representation of how close they look.
The last three pictures are just some recent ones of Evan.

Ainsley had her one week check up today and the Dr. said she was PERFECT!!! No jaundice and all else looks good. He does want to see her next week since she is not back up to her birth weight.
Birth weight: 7lbs. 4oz.
Weight at discharge: 6lbs. 13 oz.
Weight at 1 Week: 7lbs.

Evan seemed to have lots of fun at all the grandparents' houses. He we to the park several times, went and saw his first MOVIE at the theatre, and caught his first FISH! I do not think he really wanted to come home except to see Ainsley. So far, we are not seeing any sibling jealousy. Hopefully, it wont be too bad. He is very proud of Ainsley and always talks about how happy he is she is here and how much he loves her.

Evan, who was born with just a little more hair than Ainsley.

Ainsley at one week.

Pulling up his first fish!

So proud!

Relaxing in the tub!

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